Implementation: Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Handwriting

The 'Basics'
We want to ensure that all pupils can transcribe their ideas fluently and accurately. Pupils have discrete spelling, punctuation and grammar and  handwriting sessions three times each during the week. The first session is a teaching session, with the subsequent sessions for practice and time for the teacher to check on progress. The skills and learning from these sessions is then consolidated and applied in the writing lessons and other curricular areas. 
Year 2: Pupils start the Little Wandle Bridge to Spellings scheme once they have completed the main phonics programme. This supports them in reinforcing phonics knowledge and introduces year 2 spelling rules and patterns. 
Year 3 and up: The Spelling Shed progression and scheme is used to teach pupils the spelling objectives from the National Curriculum. 
Punctuation and Grammar
Discrete lessons are used to teach pupils new learning, which is then quickly applied and practiced in writing lessons. Subsequent practice sessions may be used as a way to reinforce or practice specific aspects that teachers may have noticed in pupils' writing. 
From EYFS pupils are taught how to hold a pencil and to use the Little Wandle letter formation to be able to print words. 
From Year 1 upwards, the Letterjoin scheme is used to teach and practice handwriting three times a week. Pupils will be encouraged to take care with presentation in all subjects.