
We will know we have achieved our intent if: 

  • Pupils can write effectively to engage with the reader and apply their learning from exposure to a range of high quality models.
  • Pupils are accurate and creative writers who have increasing stamina for writing
  • Children can draw on a range of Ideas, tools and  techniques for writing so that they are able to communicate their own ideas AND apply these in reading
  • Pupils can effectively articulate their knowledge in other subject areas through the accurate use of writing skills
  • Pupils can  confidently write using the features, vocabulary and structure of each genre
  • Pupils achieve the age-related expectations for writing, and those that find writing challenging are given focused support to help them catch up
  • At the end of each year, pupils are ready for the next step of their education. 
 Through our rigorous and highly effective teaching of systematic phonics and approach to teaching writing, our children transitioning into secondary school will leave us as a fluent, confident and able writers across all areas of the curriculum.

Our children will make at least good progress during their time with us and this is monitored closely as they journey through the school. The quantitative impact of our writing curriculum will be measured by assessment procedures, which allow us to measure outcomes against all schools nationally:

  •         EYFS % of pupils achieving a ‘Good level of development’ (GLD)
  •         End of KS1 % of children working towards the Expected Standard, at the Expected Standard          or at Greater Depth in writing
  •         End of KS2 % of children working towards the Expected Standard, at the Expected Standard          or at Greater Depth in writing

We also subscribe as part of the Acorn Trust to the No More Marking Project, which is a national project to assess and moderate pupils’ writing within the Trust, and against a number of other schools.