
Writing at The Avenue 

  • We believe that the ability to write with confidence and accuracy is an essential life skill. We want our pupils to be effective and creative writers, who enjoy the writing process, and are resilient and confident communicators.  
  • To do this, we aim to give pupils the skills (below) to be able to articulate their ideas in writing. Our school and classrooms are places where we encourage a rich and varied access to language to support reading and writing skills. We aim to create a culture where pupils are enthusiastic to create pieces of text for different audiences and purposes, and where writing is celebrated and enjoyed.
  • What does an effective and creative writer look like?
In order to achieve this, we aim to:
  • Use high quality texts and models to enable pupils to accurately choose grammar, vocabulary and punctuation which is effective for both audience and purpose
  • Make the planning, drafting, writing and editing stages of writing explicit so that children experience ‘live’ the choices a writer makes
  • Provide children with the ideas, tools and  techniques for writing so that they are able to communicate their own ideas
  • Make links across the curriculum with our writing units so that pupils are able to write knowledgeably and effectively across all subject areas
  • Ensure that pupils are taught a range of genres across the school which means they can communicate their learning appropriately
  • Develop a consistent approach to teaching writing in order to close gaps and ensure that all children leave in year 6 being able to write effectively