
Adults are able to observe children’s progress in a range of ways but most importantly we believe that being with the children ‘in the moment’ enables staff to see the direct impact of their teaching. Staff are able to notice the language children are using, how they interact with others, and the steps they take to solve problems. Staff also notice children’s progress through their levels of well-being and involvement. Our Focus Child framework enables staff to have professional dialogue about all the children at regular intervals and to understand where each child is developmentally. This involves looking at where children are on entry, the progress they have made, and the provision that needs to be put in place to support each child to make good progress. We use our own assessment tracker to understand if children are on track to make a Good Level of Development by the end of their Reception year. Staff have pupil progress discussions at regular points throughout the year where data and progress are analysed for each year group, class and individual pupils. Interventions are reviewed and adjusted accordingly.

The vast majority of children who come in with no or little spoken English still manage to achieve their ELG in speaking by the end of Reception and their progress can be seen through our specific EAL assessment criteria. Although many of our children come to us with a lower than average starting point, the rapid progress they make means that our outcomes at the end of their Reception year are in line with the national average.

The partnerships we build up with parents throughout their time with us mean that children’s learning and progress can be supported at home. Parents enjoy coming into the setting and will often comment on how their children continue their learning at home by the language they use or the songs they may sing. As a teaching team, we make time for regular discussion so that we can continually reflect on our practice to ensure our curriculum meets the needs of all our children and that all children make good progress. We are confident that by the end of the Foundation Stage our children have developed the necessary skills, knowledge and self-regulation skills to equip them for the next stage in their education.