
  • Miss K Vaughan


    Class T.A's:
    L. Hindley (Mon- Fri)
    S. Dodman (Mon- Fri)
    A. Lancaster (Weds afternoons)
    Miss Win (P.E coach)

Welcome to France Class! 

This class is supported by: Mrs L Hindley, Mrs S Dodman and Miss A Lancaster.

We have been so impressed with how well the children have coped with the return to school. They are settling back into school life quickly and are happy with our new routines. In France Class we make sure that our learning is individualised and that we think carefully about the needs of each child. As part of our learning, we are helping the children to become more independent in their every day lives and with their learning. 

If you have any questions then please send us an email. 

A few useful reminders:

  • Our gate is open at 8:35 - 8:45am in the morning and 2:55-3:05pm in the afternoon.  If you are late to school please wait until 9am and then bring your child to the main school reception.

  • All children need to bring their own, named water bottle school everyday.  Please ensure that it is only filled with water.

  • We will be using the field and outside areas frequently this year.  Your child will need a pair of named wellies which can remain in school.

  • Our PE day is Thursday.  Please can your child come to school in their PE kits.  At the present time your child will not need a change of clothes.

  • For snack time, only fruits or vegetables are permitted. 
  • If the weather is hot and sunny, please get your child to apply sun cream in the morning and remember to bring a hat.


This term we will be focusing on Celebrations as our topic. Our main priority is that the children feel happy and safe being back at school. We have been carrying out PSHE work to support the children. Alongside this we have been looking at the core skills in Maths and English as we implement a catch up programme to enable to the children to reach their full potential.

Should the situation occur that children are unable to attend a school setting, but are well enough to do the work, a remote curriculum will be available to them. 

Important Dates: 

12th October- Flu Immunisations

20th October - Parents Evening - format TBC

21st October - Last day of Term 1


2nd November - Start of Term 2

13th November - Children in Need day

16th November - Anti-Bullying Week

18th December - End of Term 2